The CAS Halls are open - Book your space now!
A story of blessing in Parsons Green for over a hundred and fifty years
Working in partnership with St Dionis Church

Our Story
The Charlotte Antonia Sulivan Charity owns and runs two halls in Parsons Green: the CAS Halls and the Sulivan Hall. The two halls are used by St Dionis, Parsons Green and by a wide range of community and private groups. Enquiries about booking the halls can made on the Venue Bookings page. The charity also owns a house, 16 Parsons Green, divided into two flats, which is let commercially.
The original predecessor charities were founded by Charlotte Sulivan, a local philanthropist, in the late 19th century. The charities were reorganised and merged in 2015 to give them a modern governance structure and to clarify and update the objects.

Charlotte Antonia Sulivan
1824 - 1911
Charlotte was born in 1824 and died unmarried in 1911 living during the reigns of five monarchs'. By the time of her death she was a very rich woman. She inherited Broom House and lived there alone (apart from her servants) for more than half her lifetime pursuing her interests: travelling and painting, natural history and gardening, as well as philanthropic projects in the area. She was a committed Christian and so took a great interest in the local churches. Upon her death she left a legacy that has continued to bless the local community to this day.